Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Second Day of Blogging

This is quite an accomplishment for me. A second blog post.. O_O

My second crochet project...was a big failure (WAH WAH WAHHHH). I was really excited for this one because I was making it for my sister, Donna, and it was an elephant, her favorite animal. It started out really great but the longer I worked on it, the more I grew tired and impatient. I began to lose focus and ended up skipping 8 whole rounds of crocheting! (I didn't notice the missing steps until I fastened it close) The missing 8 rounds were supposed to be the length of the elephant's trunk. After that mistake, I just didn't care anymore and sewed the legs on at an awkward angle for the it ended up looking like a dolphin with big ears.

And here it is, my ele-phin..
When I gave it to Donna, there was this look of disappointment and my heart just sunk. I felt so bad and I told her I would make something else for her. I still haven't made her anything since then but I am planning something. I just hope it turns out well...or at least better than the elephant/dolphin.

The elephant pattern is from the Vanna's Choice Easy Crochet Critters book. I got it at Hobby Lobby in the yarn section for about $5.


  1. ^_^ i still appreciate it ! ( it?)

  2. Ele-phin! Maybe you should start a hybrid animal series
