Sunday, November 3, 2013

Claudia Scarf

I finished. I am done...

It's almost hard to believe because I've been working on this for so long but I completed the Claudia scarf.

I started this scarf last December for Donna. I thought I would be able to finish it by Christmas but I had other things to work on and this scarf was so damn long so I told Donna she would have to wait until next winter. Since I had a year, I took my time with this scarf. Did a few rows a day at first. Then it went down to a few a week...then to a few a month. Eventually I would just pick up on it whenever I remembered to do it, which was a couple times a month. The fan pattern is beautiful but requires so many stitches. Just one row would take me about a few minutes. The whole scarf is 166 rows so it got tedious to do every day. And I figured I could take my time since Donna doesn't need a thick scarf to wear in San Diego. Just as long as it was finished by winter break when we go visit Utah.

So here it is. The 11 month long scarf.

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