Sunday, November 29, 2015

Flint Fox Cowl

It's been a while. And I know it's been a while when my hands start to ache and go numb from crocheting and my computer doesn't recognize my camera anymore. My crocheting has gotten a little rusty. When I started this pattern, I forget how to do certain stitches and how to start a round. That's not good but I was able to finish this recent project. My friend Lisa from the good ol' days at Park's Tae Kwon Do posted a cute knitted cowl on my Facebook page and asked if I knew how to make it. At first, I didn't think I could since I could only find knitting patterns for it. But after a little more digging, I was able to find a crochet pattern.

It came out decent but I am a little disappointed that it didn't turn out the way I was hoping it would. The hood's a little too big and the width is a little too narrow. I think I should've just started off with the child's size but no... I had to make the adult size and spend a bajillion dollars on yarn. Oh live and you learn, I guess.

The pattern was easy enough to follow. I just made the mistake of making my first chain too tight so now it's a little small to go over a full-sized adult's shoulders. And I should have done less rows on the hood but the instructions say that the adult size hood should be about 27 rows. I think it's too big but I know some like their hoods to be on the slouchy side. The child's size hood probably would be enough to fit over an adult's head if you want more of a fitted size.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Bunny Baby Blanket

Sorry, it's been almost half a year since I last posted. But during that time, I was slowly working on a new crochet project. I found this adorable bunny baby blanket pattern that I wanted to make and I just finished it! It's a combination blanket and stuffed animal with a little bunny head and arms sewn into the middle of a soft mint green, pink, and white blanket. It's pretty simple to make using a granny square pattern. The blog where I got it from shows you how to make the bunny and provides a link to a granny square pattern. To get the alternating colors in my blanket, I did two rows of each color and then switched to the new color. I did 20 rows in total, making the blanket to measure about 21x21 inches. It's a little on the small side so it would be great for newborns and infants.

You can find this adorable blanket for sale on my Etsy shop: Hello Mon Ami.

And I recently created a new shop on ecrater:

Friday, July 25, 2014

Baby Beanies

I've added a new item to my Etsy shop. Cute and soft baby beanies with your choice of a pom pom top. Currently the beanies are available in mint green and strawberry pink. The beanies measure to be 16 inches in circumference so it should be able to fit most babies from 3 to 6 months old. And can possibly stretch to fit up to 12 months old.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

My Etsy Shop

I've added an easy way to get to my Etsy shop through my blog. On the left, you will see thumbnails that display some of the products in my shop. Clicking on a thumbnail will take you directly to it in Etsy. :)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Oriental Dragon

Just finished a dragon I made for a friend!  He requested a traditional Chinese dragon which was a little difficult trying to find a good pattern. I could only find the amigurumi style dragons which are cute but weren't what he was looking for. Finally found one on Ravelry from Nhewyt's Designs. It was time consuming but wasn't too difficult of a pattern. The pattern makes for a snake-like body that turns and winds. And the teal blue and purple colors that my friend requested make it a little different from the typical red and yellow colored dragons. I love how it turned out, especially the gold eyes.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


It's only been a few days since I opened my Etsy shop and I've already gotten a few orders. I need to make some more items for my shop! Along with my shop items, I still take custom/special orders. Recently, I was asked to make a donkey. There aren't many donkey patterns out there that aren't Eeyore. But I found a cute one and added a mane to it. I won't be able to put this up on my shop though since the pattern's creator has asked not to commercially sell the finished products. But I might be able to make an original pattern when I have the time.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Hello Mon Ami!

I launched my Etsy shop! Finally! This shop has been something I've been wanting to do for some time now but I had been putting it off for so long. During my spring break, I used that time to start building up inventory for the shop. I made several items from crochet patterns I've found online and some that I've created myself. I posted the items that are currently in my shop.

Here is the link to my shop: HelloMonAmi

I hope you love it!